Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

archicortex (par)

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Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
Level 2 encephalon Short Extended
Level 3 telencephalon Short Extended
Current level archicortex (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
62424 6125 tax
archicortex (par)
archicortex (pair)
74041 9295 tax
regiones hippocampi (par)
hippocampal fields (pair)
74042 6151 tax
cornu ammonis 1 (par)
CA1 field (pair)
72044 6152 tax
cornu ammonis 2 (par)
CA2 field (pair)
72045 6153 tax
cornu ammonis 3 (par)
CA3 field (pair)
75741 6154 tax
cornu ammonis ammonis (par)
CA3h field (pair)
83679 6157 tax
strata hippocampi (par) ; strata cornus ammonis (par)
layers of hippocampus (pair) ; layer of Ammon's horns (pair)
83149 6158 tax
stratum lacunomoleculare (par)
lacunomolecular layer (pair)
83894 6161 tax
stratum radiatum (par)
radiate layer (pair)
83895 6160 tax
stratum pyramidale (par)
pyramidal layer (pair)
83893 6159 tax
stratum oriens (par)
oriens layer (pair)
9023 tax
neura hippocampi (par)
neurons of hippocampus (pair)
9298 tax
neura projectionis hippocampi (par)
projection neurons of hippocampus (pair); principal neurons of hippocampus (pair)
9299 tax
neura pyramidalia hippocampi (par)
pyramidal neurons of hippocampus (pair) ; pyramidal cells of hippocampus (pair)
9305 tax
interneura hippocampi (par)
interneurons of hippocampus (pair)
9307 tax
interneura inhibitoria hippocampi (par)
inhibitory interneurons of hippocampus (pair)
9312 tax
neura corbiformia hippocampi (par)
basket neurons of hippocampus (pair); basket cells of hippocampus (pair)
9326 tax
neura bistratificata hippocampi (par)
bistratified neurons of hippocampus (pair) ; bistratified cells of hippocampus (pair)
9328 tax
neura candelaria hippocampi (par)
candeliform neurons of hippocampus (pair) ; chandelier cells of hippocampus (pair); axoaxonic neurons of hippocampus (pair)
275167 8764 tax
substantia alba hippocampi (par)
white matter of hippocampus (pair) ; white substance of hippocampus (pair)
tractus commissurales hippocampi
commissural tracts of hippocampus
61970 6286
commissura hippocampi ; psalterium
hippocampal commissure; psalterium
tractus descendentes hippocampi ; tractus descendentes originis hippocampi
descending tracts of hippocampus ; descending tract of origin in hippocampi
61965 6091
tractus proprii hippocampi ; tractus intrinsici hippocampi
proper tracts of hippocampus ; intrinsic tracts of hippocampus
neuroneurofibrae muscosae hippocampi
mossy fibres of hippocampus
collaterales axonales hippocampi proprii
axonal collaterals of proper hippocampus
via endofolialis
endfolial pathway
collaterales axonales hilares hippocampi proprii
hilar axonal collaterals of proper hippocampus
83867 6156
alveus hippocampi
83866 6075
fimbria hippocampi
83678 6163 tax
strata gyri dentati (par)
layers of dentate gyrus (pair)
83677 6164 tax
stratum moleculare gyri dentati (par)
molecular layer of dentate gyrus (pair)
83146 6165 tax
stratum granulare gyri dentati (par)
granular layer of dentate gyrus (pair)
72358 6166 tax
stratum multiforme gyri dentati (par)
multiform layer of dentate gyrus (pair)
9399 tax
neura gyri dentati (par)
neurons of dentate gyrus (pair)
9400 tax
neura projectionis gyri dentati (par) ; neura principalia gyri dentati (par)
projection neurons of dentate gyrus (pair); principal neurons of dentate gyrus (pair)
9401 tax
neura granularia gyri dentati (par)
granule neurons of dentate gyrus (pair); granule cells of dentate gyrus (pair)
9402 tax
interneura gyri dentati (par)
interneurons of dentate gyrus (pair)
9403 tax
interneura excitatoria gyri dentati (par)
excitatory interneurons of dentate gyrus (pair)
9404 tax
neura muscosa gyri dentati (par) ; neura stellata gyri dentati (par)
mossy neurons of dentate gyrus (pair) ; stellate neurons of dentate gyrus (pair) ; mossy cells of dentate gyrus (pair); stellate cells of dentate gyrus (pair)
9405 tax
interneura inhibitoria gyri dentati (par)
inhibitory interneurons of dentate gyrus (pair)
9406 tax
neura corbiformia pyramidalia gyri dentati (par)
pyramidal basket neurons of dentate gyrus (pair); pyramidal basket cells of dentate gyrus (pair)
9407 tax
neura candelaria gyri dentati (par) ; neura axoaxonica gyri dentati (par)
candeliform neurons of dentate gyrus (pair) ; axoaxonal neurons of dentate gyrus (pair) ; chandelier cells of dentate gyrus (pair); axoaxonic cells of dentate gyrus (pair)
277886 11908 tax
strata subiculi (par)
layers of subiculum (pair)
277888 8760 tax
stratum moleculare subiculi (par)
molecular layer of subiculum (pair)
277890 8761 tax
stratum pyramidale subiculi (par)
pyramidal layer of subiculum (pair)
8763 tax
stratum multiforme subiculi (par)
multiform layer of subiculum (pair)
48 lines
43.8 %
27.1 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The Archicortex includes the Hippocampus (Ammon's horn, Dentate gyrus and Subiculum), Presubiculum, Parasubiculum, Entorhinal cortex, Retrosplenial cortex and a cortical band in the Cingulate gyrus (Stephan 1975; Zilles K, Amunts K 2012 Architecture of the cerebral cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 836-895).
(Commissura hippocampi): The old term Psalterium has been added; much in use by clinicians; for a study on the cells of origin of commissural connections of the monkey hippocampal formation, see Amaral DG, Insausti R, Cowan WM (1984) The commissural connections of the monkey hippocampal formation. J Comp Neurol 224:307-336.
The Via endofolialis (Endfolial pathway) is composed of Hilar Schaffer collaterals from CA3h (see Lim C, Mufson EJ, Kordower JH, et al. 1997 Connections of the hippocampal formation in humans. II. The endfolial pathway. J Comp Neurol 385:352-371).
The classic Golgi studies by Cajal (Ramón y Cajal S 1909-1911 Histologie du système nerveux de l'homme et des vertébrés. Maloine, Paris) and Lorente de Nó R (1934 Studies on the structure of the cerebral cortex. II. Continuation of the study of the ammonic system. J Psychol Neurol (Lpz) 46:113-177) showed the presence of some 20 different types of interneurons in the Hippocampus. Most of them have been immunohistochemically defined (see Freund TF, Buzsaki G 1996 Interneurons of the hippocampus. Hippocampus 6:347-470; Somogyi P 2010 Hippocampus: Intrinsic organization. In: Shepherd GM, Grillner S, eds: Handbook of Brain Microcircuitry. Oxford University Press, New York, pp 148-164). Some 28 types of GABAergic interneurons can be distinguished (Somogyi 2010), basically: Basket neurons, Bistratified neurons, and Chandelier neurons.
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 6125
Number of children 121 (validated)
Number of units 48 (validated)
Signature 1943 (validated since 14.3.2020)
Date: 02.02.2025